Professional Services

Professional services expense tracking

Seamlessly track your professional services expenses and billing

If you’re in professional services, staying on top of expenses and billing can feel like juggling flaming torches. But hear this: having a robust expense management system that tracks and records every professional services expense is a pretty efficient deal in the long run. Proper expense management keeps you happy and makes your employees’ lives easier. 

What are professional services? 

Professional services are specialized services provided by professionals with expertise and knowledge in a particular field. These services include consulting, accounting, marketing, IT consulting, architectural design, engineering, and more. There are individual professional service providers and professional services firms - both typically bill their clients similarly.

Simplify professional services expense management with Expensify

Expensify takes the hassle out of managing expenses and reimbursements for employees and employers. Our user-friendly platform simplifies the entire process, allowing employees to submit requests quickly and efficiently while providing employers with the tools to review and approve them easily. Whether it’s receipt scanning, bill and invoice management, setting spending limits, or corporate card reconciliation, Expensify has it all.

Here's how Expensify makes professional services expense management a breeze:

Receipt scanning

Say goodbye to overflowing wallets and cluttered paper receipts! Simply snap a picture with your phone to automatically capture and integrate the information into your expense report.

Bill pay and invoice management

Expensify’s bill pay automation feature is your key to effortless bill management. It allows you to schedule automatic payments online, saving time and ensuring you never miss a due date. Batch invoicing with a variety of payment options streamlines your workflow. Ditch the checks and automate recurring invoices for a truly hands-off billing experience.

Corporate card reconciliation

Eliminate the tedious task of manual expense reconciliation with the Expensify Corporate Card. And the best part? Expensify doesn't lock you into a specific card provider. If your company already has a preferred corporate card, our credit card import feature integrates effortlessly with many banks.

Spending limits

Ever get sticker shock when receiving employee travel expense reports? Expensify’s Smart Limits feature lets you set spending caps on the Expensify Card beforehand. If additional funds are needed, the request automatically comes to your desk for approval – no more surprises!

What expense category are professional services?

Professional services typically fall under the expense category of "Professional Fees" or "Operating Expenses" on a company's income statement. The specific category you use may depend on your accounting practices and the type of professional service your business offers.  For instance, some companies might categorize legal fees as a separate expense category due to their unique nature.

How to bill for professional services and how to automate it

Sometimes, billing can feel like a never-ending task you spend hours on. In other words, time spent doesn't always translate to value delivered. To ditch the hourly hamster wheel, consider these professional services billing best practices:

  • Value-based billing: Charge for the outcome you deliver, not your investment hours. 

  • Project-based billing: Quote a fixed fee for a complete project.

  • Retainer model: Become a trusted advisor, offering ongoing support for a monthly fee. 

Now comes the automation. There’s no reason why you can’t automate your billing and professional services invoicing process. Here are some ideas:

  • Professional services billing software: Invest in software that automates invoices and accepts online payments.

  • Recurring invoices: Free your clients (and yourself) from monthly billing battles by scheduling automatic invoices to avoid late payments and ensure a steady income stream.

  • Payment gateways: Offer your clients various payment options for a smooth experience.

Imagine a world where billing or invoicing is handled efficiently, freeing you to focus on what you do best. Enter Expensify. 

How to improve your professional services expense tracking with Expensify

Receipts pile up, mileage logs turn into labyrinths, and keeping up with invoices can feel like chasing smoke. But with Expensify, you can bring order to your financial chaos. Here's how Expensify empowers you:

  • Seamless integration: Expensify allows you to collaborate with your team on expense reports. Team members can easily submit expenses, and approvals can be streamlined, eliminating bottlenecks and delays.

  • Automated workflows: Automate repetitive tasks like approval workflows. Let Expensify handle the administrative burden, freeing you to focus on delivering exceptional services.

  • Always mobile-first: Manage your expenses and approve reports on the go! Expensify's mobile app keeps you in control, no matter where you are.


  • The professional service billing process involves accurately tracking projects from start to completion, creating invoices outlining the agreed-upon fees, and collecting payment from clients - much like any other industry. Proper billing ensures clients are always aware of the associated expenses. Bringing more transparency into the billing process strengthens trust and your business reputation while you can allocate resources more efficiently.

  • Billing and invoicing are closely related but not exactly the same thing. Here's the key difference:

    Billing is the broader term encompassing the entire process of calculating the amount owed for services rendered.

    Invoicing is the specific act of creating a formal document that details the charges associated with the service provided.

Automate professional services expenses with Expensify

Automate your business's most error-prone and time-consuming task – tracking and managing expenses. Expensify makes the process efficient, reliable, and swift for everyone. But more than that, use Expensify to set Smart Limits, capture receipts, pay bills, and so much more – so you can focus on what truly matters for your business. 

Ready to get started? Enter your information below, and we’ll take it from there.